Wills Wing Falcon 4 – Stand alone version

This glider does not require use of the widget

 Wills Wing Falcon 4 – Stand Alone

This glider does not require you to install the widget to see this glider in the MSFS 2020 Hanger.

The reason for this is that it does not have a working variometer.  That only exists in the widget.  Without the widget, this glider is only launchable using winch or aerotow or just slewing the glider into the air.   If all you want to do is just try out virtual hang glider without going any deeper down the rabbit hole, this glider is for you.
It can be replaced by the full version at any time, and you can use it with the widget if you like, but it will never have a working variometer.

The WW Falcon 4 is a hang glider of the floater type.  This glider can be flown in very light conditions and still soar.   A great first glider that will give new hang glider pilots confidence in launching, landing, and flying a hang glider in MSFS 2020.

This glider has a speed range of 18-50 mph, a sink rate of 100 f/min and a maximum glide ration 12/1.

Model Details
This glider comes with a highly detailed model for an hang glider.  All components of the glider are included:

  • Aircraft frames include multiple Control frame types.
  • Animated pilot that moves with control movements
  • Highly detail Harness.
  • Variometer that position can be configured.
  • Detailed fabric sail cloth.

This glider comes with 6 liveries and 2 different control bar configurations:

  • Aluminum Airfoil control bar with transparent sail inserts
  • Carbon Fiber Airfoil control bar with transparent main sail

All liveries have a configurable variometer that can be placed in multiple positions.

This glider can be winch towed, aerotowed (with an appropriate tow vehicle) from any airport that is supported in MSFS 2020.   You can also slew the aircraft to any location on Planet Earth

Requires basic flight controls: Ailerons, elevator, spoilers, gear position.

The glider has an animated pilot that moves with control movements.  This includes a detailed model. The Sail is flexible and is animated for proper sail behavior.

This glider is a stand-alone aircraft that you can download and try basic hang gliding in MSFS 2020, but if you want it to do more than this you can visit our website and download the following free applications that will let you do the following:

  The Hang Gliding Files Widget – The Hang Gliding Files

  •  Foot-launch your glider from any mountain and maneuver you glider on the ground
  • Allow you to teleport to any of our current 360+ sites
  • Make your variometer on your glider active
  • Gives you a flight computer on your glider to navigate tasks
  • Gives you 60+ pre-built, soarable weather presets.

Your Personal Site Database – The Hang Gliding Files

  • Create your own new flying sites and use them in MSFS 2020
  • Create your own custom scenery within MSFS 2020 without any coding.
  • Manage flight tasks you can fly with friends.
  • Install flight tasks into the variometer/flight computer to activate that inside MSFS 2020.

Our website:
The Hang Gliding Files

Our Discord:

Youtube Channel

[email protected]

All variometer and flight computer functions are in the Widget.  This glider is built to work without the widget for those pilots who just want to try out a hang glider but don’t really want to be bothered with actual simulation of hang gliding.

Release Notes:

4.0.22 July 12, 2024

Cycle 4 release notes

  • Modified pilot cockpit views that make views for VR pilots better.