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The Hang Gliding Files


Real hang glider pilot from about 1978. I Flew mostly in Colorado, but have flown in Wyoming, Utah, Hawaii and Australia. I have private pilot’s license as well as holding a glider certification.


Real hang glider pilot from about 1978. I flew mostly in Colorado. I was also an instructor early in my career and have flown in many competitions around the US. I currently have a Brightstar Millennium rigid wing.

Hi, I’m BlueXDragon and I’m a real hang glider pilot turned simulated hang glider enthusiast. I’ve been flying for over 40 years, and I’ve seen and done it all. I’ve flown in four different continents, in all kinds of weather and terrain. I’ve also earned my private pilot’s license and my glider certification, so I know a thing or two about flying.

But as much as I love real hang gliding, I also love simulated hang gliding. It’s a great way to enjoy flying without the hassle and risk of the real thing. It’s also a great way to learn new skills, practice old ones, and explore new places. And with the advances in technology, simulated hang gliding is becoming more and more realistic and immersive.

That’s why I created this website, to share my experience and expertise with you. Whether you’re a seasoned hang glider pilot or a complete newbie, you’ll find something useful and interesting here. You’ll learn how to get started with simulated hang gliding, how to choose the best equipment and software, how to improve your technique and performance, and how to have fun and stay safe. You’ll also find reviews of the latest products and features, tips and tricks, stories and anecdotes, and a community of fellow flyers

So come on in and join me on this virtual adventure. Let’s fly together!

We are the ultimate blog for hang gliding enthusiasts and adventurers. Here you will find everything you need to know about this amazing sport, from tips and tricks to stories and reviews. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, you will find something to inspire you and help you improve your skills. You will also discover the latest news and developments in the hang gliding world, such as new equipment, destinations, events, and challenges. Join us as we explore the wonders of flying like a bird and share our passion for hang gliding with you.

If you are a fan of hang gliding, you might have wondered what it would be like to fly a simulated hang glider in a realistic virtual world. Well, wonder no more, because we have done it! In this web site, we will show you how we have made it possible to fly simulated hang gliders in MSFS 2020, a game that is not meant to have hang gliders in it. We will also tell you what we plan to do with this amazing feature and how you can experience it yourself in VR. So buckle up and get ready for some soaring fun!

To make hang gliding possible in MSFS 2020, we have used a combination of modding tools, custom physics, and creative design. We have created a hang glider model that can be used anywhere in the game, and we have modified the flight dynamics to simulate the effects of wind, thermals, and gravity on the glider. We have also added a realistic cockpit view with a variometer and in the future a flight computer. To make the experience more immersive, we have added custom sounds and animations for the pilot and the glider. We have also created some custom scenarios and challenges that let you explore the beautiful landscapes of MSFS 2020 from a hang glider’s perspective.

Flying a hang glider in MSFS 2020 is a thrilling and rewarding experience that requires skill and patience. You can choose to fly in different weather conditions, from calm and sunny to stormy and windy. You can also select different locations, from mountains and valleys to islands and coastlines. You can fly solo or with other players online, and someday you can compete in races, time trials, or acrobatic challenges. You can also just relax and enjoy the scenery, watching the clouds, the birds, and the sunsets. No matter what you choose to do, you will feel the exhilaration of flying a hang glider in a realistic and beautiful virtual world.

One of the most amazing features of MSFS 2020 is its support for VR, or virtual reality. VR allows you to experience the game in a more immersive and realistic way, as if you were actually sitting in the cockpit of your aircraft. You can look around, lean forward, and feel the depth and scale of the world around you1To use VR in MSFS 2020, you need a compatible VR headset, such as a Windows Mixed Reality headset, an Oculus headset, a Valve headset, or an HTC headset2You also need to launch your VR headset application (OpenXR) and activate VR in the game settings3. Once you do that, you can enjoy flying a hang glider in VR and feel the thrill of soaring through the skies like never before.

Before you can fly a hang glider in MSFS 2020, you need to make sure your PC and accessories meet the game’s requirements. Depending on your desired settings and resolution, you may need a different level of hardware. Here are the three tiers of system requirements and what they mean for your hang gliding experience:

  • Minimum Spec: This is the bare minimum you need to run the game at low settings and 720p resolution. You will be able to fly a hang glider, but the graphics and performance may not be very smooth or realistic.
  • Recommended Spec: This is the optimal level you need to run the game at high settings and 1080p resolution. You will enjoy a more immersive and detailed hang gliding experience, with better graphics and performance.
  • Ideal Spec: This is the ultimate level you need to run the game at ultra settings and 4K resolution. You will experience the most stunning and realistic hang gliding experience possible, with amazing graphics and performance.

To see the specific specifications for each tier, check out the table below:

Minimum SpecRecommended SpecIdeal Spec
CPU AMD Ryzen 3 1200
Intel i5-4460
Ryzen 5 1500X
Intel i5-8400
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 2700X
Intel i7-9800X
GPU Radeon RX 570
Nvidia GTX 770
Radeon RX 590
Nvidia GTX 970
Radeon VII
Nvidia RTX 2080
Storage 150 GB HDD150 GB HDD150 GB SSD
Bandwidth 5 Mbps20 Mbps50 Mbps

Besides a good PC, you also need some accessories to enhance your hang gliding experience. Here are the essential accessories you need:

  • VR headset: This is what will make you feel like you are actually flying a hang glider in a realistic virtual world. You need a VR headset that is compatible with MSFS 2020, such as a Windows Mixed Reality headset, an Oculus headset, a Valve headset, or an HTC headset.
  • Flight controller: This is what will let you control your hang glider with ease and precision. You need a joystick or a yoke to steer your hang glider, and optionally a throttle and rudder pedals for more realism. You can also use a keyboard and mouse, but they are not as intuitive or immersive as a flight controller.
  • Headphones or speakers: This is what will let you hear the sounds of the wind and the environment. You need a good pair of headphones or speakers to enjoy the realistic sounds of MSFS 2020 and feel the thrill of hang gliding.

With these hardware and accessories, you are ready to fly a hang glider in MSFS 2020 and have an amazing time.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”

I Want to believe.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about hang gliding in MSFS 2020. We think it’s one of the most fun and exciting ways to experience the game and the world. If you want to try it yourself, make sure you have the right hardware and accessories, and download all of our mods from our website. You can also join our online community and share your hang gliding adventures with other simmers. And don’t forget to check back regularly, because we are always working on new modifications and improvements for our hang gliding feature. We have some awesome plans for the future, and we can’t wait to share them with you. Until then, happy flying!

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