
Dinosaur, Colorado – 40.369634, -109.086300, 2475 meters

Some local media coverage!

Dinosaur is a famous flying site located in Colorado (USA) in the Rocky Mountains.

As described by 2014 Rocky Mountain Region Site Guide it is at approximately 8,000ft MSL, 2,000ft above the primary LZ. Launches face SW, S, and SE. Normally launchable in almost any wind direction as the cliff creates its own weather pattern, unless winds are strong.

Primarily a thermal site with some ridge soaring opportunity. Great XC potential, several competitions have been completed here. First competition to have a 100 mile goal.

Very open, landable areas when going XC over the back. Try to land near a road, distances can be deceiving! Oxygen highly recommended.

Primary LZ is about 1 mile from the base of the mountain, called the Snake Pit. Corral LZ is another mile further from ridge.

Times to Fly – Mornings are usually light winds, suitable for experienced Hang and Paraglider pilots.
Midday finds very strong thermal activity. Infrequent thunderstorms occur from May-August. Evenings occasionally glass off.

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