Part 1 of our series on scanning real life objects to bring them into a 3D Virtual Reality environment for Hang Gliding
General blog posts
Scouting Real World Sites
Find out how we are creating 3 dimensional images for VR hang gliding sites that are photo-realistic
VR Boilerplate Warning
VR great as it is, not for everyone. Part of what makes it great is the immersion and that can have its side effects. I have never experienced anything that can bring on sudden nausea as quickly and as strongly as VR can. Most people can adapt. It’s a mind being able to adapt to what the eyes are telling …
Real Hang Gliding Explained
Most people have no idea what is really happening While that it is a true statement about virtually every, single, thing, in modern society, It is 100% true for general public’s knowledge about foot launched soaring. Most people cannot translate the actions they see into functional concepts Just because you see a thing, does not mean you understand a thing. …
The Virtual World
Working with VR is actually kind of difficult. It is the bleeding edge of technology and it is rapidly changing. We will write up what we do to make our VR setups work and any cool information we can find. We do not do product reviews.